"I got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine i got a love and i know that its all mine." Natasha Bedingfield
Pretty much, there is nothing cuter than a teenie tiny little pocket. It's 2 inches by 2 inches and it's one of 24 for an Advent calendar a client ordered. My paper Advent calendar would be toast pretty quick around their 2 year old, so a fabric one makes much more sense. I've spent the past few days thinking about how to do it, and purchasing the fabric, ribbon, and threads. Now that I've started, I am just in love with these little pockets. Maybe after 24 the love affair will have cooled off, but I'm only at pocket #6 now, and I'm still smitten!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
over the fields we go
On a one-horse open sleigh,
A sleighing song tonight.
-James Pierpont
If you don't live in Calgary, perhaps you aren't in the middle of a deep freeze with a mountain of snow. It all started last Friday, the day I was to pick up my Mum from the airport. It took us 3 hours to do a half hour car trip. Great times. White outs along the road, black ice, people in the ditch. But it was warm-ish. Now it's super cold and the snow is not going anywhere anytime soon.
So here I am in the studio putting together a couple Christmas card orders and trying to fill in my Christmas cards at the same time, when all I really want to do is crawl under the covers and sleep until spring. I hear there are people who like winter, actually love it. I am not one of those people. Maybe if I'm head to toe wrapped in polar fleece and look like the little brother in A Christmas Story, then the cold is at least bearable. I guess I should be thankful that we at least are sunny through these long months, instead of cloudy like Vancouver. Oh, enough griping! On with the card assembly already! The clients await.
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way;
Bells on bob-tail ring,
Making spirits bright,
What fun it is to ride and singA sleighing song tonight.
-James Pierpont
If you don't live in Calgary, perhaps you aren't in the middle of a deep freeze with a mountain of snow. It all started last Friday, the day I was to pick up my Mum from the airport. It took us 3 hours to do a half hour car trip. Great times. White outs along the road, black ice, people in the ditch. But it was warm-ish. Now it's super cold and the snow is not going anywhere anytime soon.
So here I am in the studio putting together a couple Christmas card orders and trying to fill in my Christmas cards at the same time, when all I really want to do is crawl under the covers and sleep until spring. I hear there are people who like winter, actually love it. I am not one of those people. Maybe if I'm head to toe wrapped in polar fleece and look like the little brother in A Christmas Story, then the cold is at least bearable. I guess I should be thankful that we at least are sunny through these long months, instead of cloudy like Vancouver. Oh, enough griping! On with the card assembly already! The clients await.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mingle & Jingle, snacks & crafts
In conjunction with a little open house on December 6th, I’m hosting a small craft sale from 10am to 4pm. Scott & Maggie & I will be decorating & playing holiday music & cooking up some yummy snacks. Okay, so Maggie will just be begging for the snacks, but she will be on hand to bark randomly and get snuggles from everyone.
There will be some snickey-snacks and some eggnog (provided Scott hasn’t consumed it all by the time you get there) as well as all of my paintings & cards & crafts on display for sale, at special Holiday prices! I’ll have my wrapping supplies on hand in the wrapping station, so if you’d like your purchase gift wrapped as well, I can do that too.
Come by early for the best selection of crafts (oh, & snacks!). Let me know if you can come by so I can ensure there are enough snacks for everyone. :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
"A man (or woman!) should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying... that he is wiser today than he was yesterday." - Alexander Pope
Ahhh Charlie, the sweet little terrier-poodle cross from the Humane Society. Had you been the only dog in our house, this would have all worked out fine. As it stands, Maggie is the Ruler of the Roost, and you and she just don't get along. I'm sorry, little dude, but I had to take you back to the Humane Society so a family who has more space (and less Maggie) in their lives could adopt you.
Here's the back story - after realizing that children will not be a part of our lives, I wanted to add another dog to the mix. The theory being he or she would be a playmate for Maggie, our poodle from the Humane Society 3 years ago, and would help to calm her down a bit (did I mention she's kinda high-strung?). As well, caring and loving him or her would fill a little more of the empty spot in my heart, and let me love another little soul (albeit a soul covered in fur.)
Maggie, however, had other plans. She has Plans of World Domination, and her world is our house. I know she's gotten along with other dogs before; not famously, but well enough that I thought perhaps this could work. Enter Charlie. The 'meet-n-greet' went okay, but once at home the clashing began. Maggie would hide in her kennel. Charlie would eat her food. Maggie would lash out. Charlie would fight back. hmmmmm...... Not good.
There is the theory that I could have waited longer, given them more time before taking him back. Maybe things would have improved between Queen Margaret and Prince Charles. Maybe they would have worked it all out, and I was being too impulsive. But I felt so bad for Maggie! Here she was, finally settling in and not being as aggressive as before, and then I go and add another dog to the mix, and he's getting all the attention! She had to share her bed, her food, her water, and my lap, Scott's attention. And then I felt bad for Charlie! Here he was, all set to be adopted by some nice family in the near future (he'd only been there a week) and I plucked him out of there with promises of a Lady-friend and many quiet naps on the couch, and a few belly rubs too. And what he got was a lot of surprises instead.
I didn't want him (and us) to get so attached that we couldn't see that this wasn't going to work. I also knew that people who were looking at him last week would still be checking the Humane Society website, and would be happy to see him still there for them. So I decided this was just an expensive weekend for all (emotionally and financially) and took him back to the people who could best find him a good home. Sadly, we are not a "good home". But I am wiser! I will never adopt a dog while Maggie is still with us. I swear.
And so, his little bark, funny walk, and voracious appetite are meant for someone else. Good luck, Charlie (although I don't think you'll need it, cute boy!)
Here's the back story - after realizing that children will not be a part of our lives, I wanted to add another dog to the mix. The theory being he or she would be a playmate for Maggie, our poodle from the Humane Society 3 years ago, and would help to calm her down a bit (did I mention she's kinda high-strung?). As well, caring and loving him or her would fill a little more of the empty spot in my heart, and let me love another little soul (albeit a soul covered in fur.)
Maggie, however, had other plans. She has Plans of World Domination, and her world is our house. I know she's gotten along with other dogs before; not famously, but well enough that I thought perhaps this could work. Enter Charlie. The 'meet-n-greet' went okay, but once at home the clashing began. Maggie would hide in her kennel. Charlie would eat her food. Maggie would lash out. Charlie would fight back. hmmmmm...... Not good.
There is the theory that I could have waited longer, given them more time before taking him back. Maybe things would have improved between Queen Margaret and Prince Charles. Maybe they would have worked it all out, and I was being too impulsive. But I felt so bad for Maggie! Here she was, finally settling in and not being as aggressive as before, and then I go and add another dog to the mix, and he's getting all the attention! She had to share her bed, her food, her water, and my lap, Scott's attention. And then I felt bad for Charlie! Here he was, all set to be adopted by some nice family in the near future (he'd only been there a week) and I plucked him out of there with promises of a Lady-friend and many quiet naps on the couch, and a few belly rubs too. And what he got was a lot of surprises instead.
I didn't want him (and us) to get so attached that we couldn't see that this wasn't going to work. I also knew that people who were looking at him last week would still be checking the Humane Society website, and would be happy to see him still there for them. So I decided this was just an expensive weekend for all (emotionally and financially) and took him back to the people who could best find him a good home. Sadly, we are not a "good home". But I am wiser! I will never adopt a dog while Maggie is still with us. I swear.
And so, his little bark, funny walk, and voracious appetite are meant for someone else. Good luck, Charlie (although I don't think you'll need it, cute boy!)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
"twas the night before Christmas, and all throught the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse" C.C. Moore

click on the above to get a larger view of the collage
I recently found a project I had started before we moved into our house (2 years ago!) An Advent Calendar that didn't involved chocolate. I incorporated the classic story into little cards and envelopes to turn around and read. It's really a lovely piece. I'm going to be taking it to the Craft Fair this weekend and see if it sells! If it doesn't, you'll see it on Etsy by Monday.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
U2 360 Tour
Saturday, October 24, 2009
thank you and thank you again
Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern

Just got home from the craft sale and had to say a big "Thank You" to the people who purchased from my table - a photograph, 4 paintings, and a couple cards. WooHoo! And the people who I met there were just great too - one lady made comfy pants and another made bathbombs and soap and those bags you heat up and wrap around you - her Mom was fabulous as well. It was a great day. People were very receptive to the collage ideas I added to the paintings, which, I have to say, made me very happy. It's nice when people like what you do. I guess I'm not supposed to be attached to this type of ego boosting, but.... I am! (haven't quite reached that "be unattached to the outcome" zen like state).
Sunday, October 18, 2009
craft sale
I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning... Every day I find something creative to do with my life. Miles Davis (1926 - 1991)
It’s that time of year again – craft sale season. I’m starting off in my home community at the Riverbend Community Center this Saturday from 10am to 4pm. I’m going to have a variety of paintings and collages for sale, and if there’s room on the table, maybe some photography and notecards. There’s a variety of other crafters at the sale as well, so please stop by. It’s always nice to see some familiar faces!
Saturday - October 24th, 2009
Saturday - October 24th, 2009
10am to 4pm
Riverbend Community Centre
19 Rivervalley Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3S1
Glenmore to 18th Street South, second right onto Rivervalley Drive, large building with parking lot on the south-west side of the intersection
Kennedy Ink
Shoppe - www.kennedyink.etsy.com
Website - www.kennedyink.ca/creative
Flickr Photography - http://www.flickr.com/photos/36679604@N06/
Flickr Paintings - http://www.flickr.com/photos/43155425@N06/
Riverbend Community Centre
19 Rivervalley Drive SE, Calgary, AB T2C 3S1
Glenmore to 18th Street South, second right onto Rivervalley Drive, large building with parking lot on the south-west side of the intersection
Kennedy Ink
Shoppe - www.kennedyink.etsy.com
Website - www.kennedyink.ca/creative
Flickr Photography - http://www.flickr.com/photos/36679604@N06/
Flickr Paintings - http://www.flickr.com/photos/43155425@N06/
Monday, October 5, 2009
happy Monday!
"You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it." ~Author Unknown
I'm taking an on-line class on photography. I'm finding Manual mode to be challenging and my usual subject (my dog Maggie) uncooperative. So I took my weeping Buddha from his usual post and used him for this lesson on Focus Points. I look forward to the feedback (perhaps too much) and feel really happy to have received the comments from the instructor (below). It's nice to know it's not just myself who likes my photographs! (To see more of my photographs, you could go here.)
Class Exerpt
K100D - pentaxAperature: f/5.6Shutter Speed: 1/350ISO : 800Focal Length : 55mm
I put my weeping Buddha on my Dragon's Blood Stonecrop and began taking shots focussing him on the left. It didn't look right, so I put him on the right and decreased the Aperature (the automode wanted f/5.6, 1/350). This could have a sweet quote off to the side, a texture and/or filter applied, and voila! Art.
[Oct 05, 2009 at 01:01 AM]
Michelle, this is art as is. The focus on the Buddha is perfect, and from an artistic standpoint there are so many ways to interpret this photo: A tree was cut down to be carved into this statue, which is placed back into a natural environment. One can ponder why the Buddha is weeping. Typically when an item is "looking" to the right and is placed on the right, the viewer's eye drifts off the edge of the frame. However, since the Buddha's face is down covered by his hands, the viewer is stopped by the frame and is brought back into the photo. You have a great eye for combining color, texture, and composition in your photos.

Class Exerpt
K100D - pentaxAperature: f/5.6Shutter Speed: 1/350ISO : 800Focal Length : 55mm
I put my weeping Buddha on my Dragon's Blood Stonecrop and began taking shots focussing him on the left. It didn't look right, so I put him on the right and decreased the Aperature (the automode wanted f/5.6, 1/350). This could have a sweet quote off to the side, a texture and/or filter applied, and voila! Art.
[Oct 05, 2009 at 01:01 AM]
Michelle, this is art as is. The focus on the Buddha is perfect, and from an artistic standpoint there are so many ways to interpret this photo: A tree was cut down to be carved into this statue, which is placed back into a natural environment. One can ponder why the Buddha is weeping. Typically when an item is "looking" to the right and is placed on the right, the viewer's eye drifts off the edge of the frame. However, since the Buddha's face is down covered by his hands, the viewer is stopped by the frame and is brought back into the photo. You have a great eye for combining color, texture, and composition in your photos.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
is that a chill in the air I feel?
The foliage has been losing its freshness through the month of August, and here and there a yellow leaf shows itself like the first gray hair amidst the locks of a beauty who has seen one season too many. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Okay, so I'll admit it - as soon as the first leaves start to turn colour, I start to think about the upcoming Christmas season. A little early, I know, but I thought I would make up this decidedly non-holiday themed pdf sheet as a reference for card orders. I had a couple clients last year surprised by the square card overages, and a couple clients this year whose wedding invitations went over the 30gram allowance. Both situations translated into higher postal costs for them. So I thought I would be preemptive this year and do the research and post it for all to download.
Let me know if you are feeling the Christmas vibe already too! If you feel like jumping the gun on the season as well, we can talk about cleaning up my inventory of the cards I have in stock. If you’re into having a variety of sizes and non-traditional colours, I can certainly accommodate you, and your budget.
Let me know if you are feeling the Christmas vibe already too! If you feel like jumping the gun on the season as well, we can talk about cleaning up my inventory of the cards I have in stock. If you’re into having a variety of sizes and non-traditional colours, I can certainly accommodate you, and your budget.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
home again, home again
“Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”
samwilson123 at thinkexist.com ..... below is my guy & me
Well, we're back from our 7th anniversary trip. This time we went from Seattle down to San Francisco along the coast highway in a convertible Mustang. It was a blast. I have a bit of a farmer's tan now, but no burns. And we're a little lighter in our savings accounts, but I think that's why we work... to travel! I would do it all over again, except for trying to drive in San Francisco traffic. I didn't like that part. But everything else rocked.
I'd suggest Seattle Washington, Newport Oregon, Mendicino California to anyone. They were all great and had different things to offer. In particular, I loved the Glass Beach where we found sea glass. I guess the area used to be a dump, and when they cleaned up the dump all this sea glass was there. People have been lugging it out of there by the bucketfuls for decades, which begs the question... why isn't it regulated? oh well. The other strange thing we noticed was the size of the meals - HUGE! Do the restaurants think we don't eat for the rest of the day? It was amazing. I think one place in Seattle (The Pink Door) served a normal size meal that was actually finish-able. Everyone was incredibly friendly (even in San Francisco!) and it was hard to take a bad photograph. The weather was great, until Healdsburg, where it was 100F (so sayeth our car). We just went from tasting room to tasting room and art gallery to art gallery to keep out of the heat.
It was a great trip, and we got to finish it off by picking up our dog, Maggie, from my parent's place. We were both really happy to see each other (thanks Mum for taking care of her and giving her snuggles!) And we're both really happy to be home again. Although I could go for someone else making my bed and cleaning up after me every day! ha!
samwilson123 at thinkexist.com ..... below is my guy & me
I'd suggest Seattle Washington, Newport Oregon, Mendicino California to anyone. They were all great and had different things to offer. In particular, I loved the Glass Beach where we found sea glass. I guess the area used to be a dump, and when they cleaned up the dump all this sea glass was there. People have been lugging it out of there by the bucketfuls for decades, which begs the question... why isn't it regulated? oh well. The other strange thing we noticed was the size of the meals - HUGE! Do the restaurants think we don't eat for the rest of the day? It was amazing. I think one place in Seattle (The Pink Door) served a normal size meal that was actually finish-able. Everyone was incredibly friendly (even in San Francisco!) and it was hard to take a bad photograph. The weather was great, until Healdsburg, where it was 100F (so sayeth our car). We just went from tasting room to tasting room and art gallery to art gallery to keep out of the heat.
It was a great trip, and we got to finish it off by picking up our dog, Maggie, from my parent's place. We were both really happy to see each other (thanks Mum for taking care of her and giving her snuggles!) And we're both really happy to be home again. Although I could go for someone else making my bed and cleaning up after me every day! ha!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Out of Pocket
On holidays from Sept 12 - 21. (A great excuse for a photography extravaganza from the Oregon Coast down to San Francisco!)

thought I would include the photo I took at a wedding I attended Sept 6th. I believe this is a Harvest Moon. I had to capture it (as best I could) as my husband and I got married under a Harvest Moon as well. Best wishes to the newlyweds!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
summer wedding
Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that. ~Michael Leunig
My old friend Pat got married to a lovely lady this past weekend. Although I didn't get the best photos, I did catch a few that PhotoShop just made better (I love tweaking in PhotoShop). There was a scary photographer lurking in the background of this one, and I cloned him out of there, along with the wall sconces and the ribbons galore.
I tried viewing the wedding with my camera up to my eye, but still able to take in the moment as monumental in Pat's life. Although it was a little hard with the DSLR (it's heavy, and therefore distracting), I did catch a few really heartfelt moments that made my heart go pitterpat. When he pulled a tissue out of his pocket for his bride during the vows, when he closed his eyes as she said her vows, both of them fiddling with their rings after they were put on. And then I had the "ah, this is going to turn out great" moment when they gave each other a high-five after they were proclaimed and did the first kiss. A very intimate moment between the two of them (it's probably something they do all the time and never give a thought to it) and it was on display for us to see.
I didn't attend the reception - I was a B list attendee and as such didn't want to impose on them to pay for an extra dinner at short notice, nor on my husband to attend (he's not much for crowds of people he doesn't know). So I chatted a wee bit with the people I did know, and met a nice lady who made the cake (too bad I couldn't chat more with her; she seemed really nice!) and went on my merry way. A lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Congratulations, Pat!

I tried viewing the wedding with my camera up to my eye, but still able to take in the moment as monumental in Pat's life. Although it was a little hard with the DSLR (it's heavy, and therefore distracting), I did catch a few really heartfelt moments that made my heart go pitterpat. When he pulled a tissue out of his pocket for his bride during the vows, when he closed his eyes as she said her vows, both of them fiddling with their rings after they were put on. And then I had the "ah, this is going to turn out great" moment when they gave each other a high-five after they were proclaimed and did the first kiss. A very intimate moment between the two of them (it's probably something they do all the time and never give a thought to it) and it was on display for us to see.
I didn't attend the reception - I was a B list attendee and as such didn't want to impose on them to pay for an extra dinner at short notice, nor on my husband to attend (he's not much for crowds of people he doesn't know). So I chatted a wee bit with the people I did know, and met a nice lady who made the cake (too bad I couldn't chat more with her; she seemed really nice!) and went on my merry way. A lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Congratulations, Pat!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~ Henry James
Sophie, the ever patient lab, sitting and waiting for my sister's kids to drop their licorice. It won't ever happen Sophie. Give it up.
It's been a busy August. Scott's brother in town with his boy (and it rained - great!), and then Andrea came to town with her two kids. We drove up to Red Deer to visit with Mum and Dad, and then back down to Calgary to pick up her husband from the airport and to head out to visit his side of the family in Vernon. Then back in town, up to Pigeon Lake, get slightly burnt in the sun, back to Red Deer, then Calgary, a couple days rest and then up to the airport to collect the car seats from them. Whew! And now friends are in from Dubai, and in the middle of September I'll be driving down the Washington/Oregon coast for fun & photography.
We just don't stop around here. And I wonder why I never seem to really get anything done! ha!
Sophie, the ever patient lab, sitting and waiting for my sister's kids to drop their licorice. It won't ever happen Sophie. Give it up.
It's been a busy August. Scott's brother in town with his boy (and it rained - great!), and then Andrea came to town with her two kids. We drove up to Red Deer to visit with Mum and Dad, and then back down to Calgary to pick up her husband from the airport and to head out to visit his side of the family in Vernon. Then back in town, up to Pigeon Lake, get slightly burnt in the sun, back to Red Deer, then Calgary, a couple days rest and then up to the airport to collect the car seats from them. Whew! And now friends are in from Dubai, and in the middle of September I'll be driving down the Washington/Oregon coast for fun & photography.
We just don't stop around here. And I wonder why I never seem to really get anything done! ha!
Friday, July 31, 2009
"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value." Albert Einstein

'Someone' suggested I actually get down to business and decide who I want as a client (you know, as opposed to just letting people pick me and feeling like I have to conform to what they want, instead of being true to myself). So I brainstormed the other day and came up with this list. I found a fabulous illustration on istockphoto (Dream Station 'Beauty') and after I printed it out, I did the old graphite on the back of the printout, and then sketching the important bits as a transfer onto the canvas (thank you for the idea, Cloth Paper Scissors!) I hope Dream Station doesn't mind me playing around with their image (as I'm not selling it or anything, just playing).
Here's the list...
My Clients
value my time
appreciate my work
pay FMV, within 30 days (Fair Market Value)
recommend me
repeatedly buy my services/work
give clear, well thought out RFPs (Request for Proposals)
maintain a consistent vision
trust my judgement
welcome SOW contracts (Scope of Work)
are reachable via email or cell
are flexible
provide good feedback
are open to suggestions, comments
are proactive
are open minded
can follow instructions
realize the benefits of working with me
are kind
are calm
are considerate
are supportive
are thankful and generous
value my time
appreciate my work
pay FMV, within 30 days (Fair Market Value)
recommend me
repeatedly buy my services/work
give clear, well thought out RFPs (Request for Proposals)
maintain a consistent vision
trust my judgement
welcome SOW contracts (Scope of Work)
are reachable via email or cell
are flexible
provide good feedback
are open to suggestions, comments
are proactive
are open minded
can follow instructions
realize the benefits of working with me
are kind
are calm
are considerate
are supportive
are thankful and generous
Saturday, July 18, 2009
new shoes
"take me wandering through these streets where bright lights and angels meet. stone to stone they take me on; I’m walking ‘til the break of dawn" Paolo Nutini
I have a zoom problem. I forget I'm on zoom and I go to take a self portrait with my DSLR and I get these shots. Although they're a little funny, I love them! All these shots were taken during my hiatus from life in March 2008 on Vancouver Island. This is class 13, so I'm assuming it's the last one. The only thing I couldn't get my project to do is the colour masking like she suggested, so I'll have to try that again. I just put the coloured photo ontop of the sepia tones adjustment layer. Worked!

Friday, July 17, 2009
fly - trio
“The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” Douglas Adams
The latest task in Jessica's class - a storyboard. We only did 3 images, but I'm guessing a person could do a whole schwak of 'em. I love the shots I got of the Blue Heron out in Parksville. Thank goodness for telephoto lenses!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
life is slow and easy
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” the Buddha
How cool are the rounded corners, eh? Jessica Sprague's class - this is day 10's class. A kind of culmination of the past week. We had to come up with a finish for "Life is..." and this photo reminds me of where I took it, when life was slow and easy. More like a dream now. Ha!

Monday, July 13, 2009
the sea
"Voyage upon life's sea, To yourself be true, And, whatever your lot may be, Paddle your own canoe." Sarah Bolton
Day 8 of the class - Day 7 was just a review so it was kinda boring. And although I add text to my photos all of the time, it was neat to add the texture of a folded up piece of paper over this photo. Gotta love free textures!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
inevitable - day 6
Friday, July 10, 2009
my boat is so small
God, be good to me. The sea is so wide and my boat is so small.
The boat picture was layered with 3 textures and overlayed with a couple filters, and then a frame added (along with the quote). Day 5's challenge for Jessica Sprague's course.
This photo just had a little highlighting done, and then the clipping mask (see the grungy edges?) Day 4 of JSprague's course.
I had more fun doing Day 5 than Day 4, but I see the benefits of Day 4 to be sure. Had a great Skype chat with KarlaBelle while downloading today's textures. This should be a daily event!

I had more fun doing Day 5 than Day 4, but I see the benefits of Day 4 to be sure. Had a great Skype chat with KarlaBelle while downloading today's textures. This should be a daily event!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I don't feel it anymore
I have to say, I am so happy that a blog I follow suggested I check out William Fitzsimmons. He's just amazing. I'm taking guitar lessons but I am really lame at it. Perhaps one day, if I practice a lot I can potentially play this. Singing, I have no issue with (I do it constantly), but actually plucking notes and strumming chords is really hard.
I have to say, I am so happy that a blog I follow suggested I check out William Fitzsimmons. He's just amazing. I'm taking guitar lessons but I am really lame at it. Perhaps one day, if I practice a lot I can potentially play this. Singing, I have no issue with (I do it constantly), but actually plucking notes and strumming chords is really hard.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date
Too late is advice when the mischief is done. ~ French Proverb

Remember when I was so gung-ho about Jessica Sprague's course? And how we all thought I was going to get to it at midnight when she posted the links? Yeah, well. Life got in the way and I kinda put it to the back burner. And then I got a call from Dubai. Karla was concerned that I may be sick or dead in a ditch somewhere because I hadn't posted anything to the gallery on Jessica Sprague's site. Talk about being relied upon to be predictable! :) Very sweet to have her worry on my behalf, but I'm alive and kickin' and now I'm done all the challenges, too!

Remember when I was so gung-ho about Jessica Sprague's course? And how we all thought I was going to get to it at midnight when she posted the links? Yeah, well. Life got in the way and I kinda put it to the back burner. And then I got a call from Dubai. Karla was concerned that I may be sick or dead in a ditch somewhere because I hadn't posted anything to the gallery on Jessica Sprague's site. Talk about being relied upon to be predictable! :) Very sweet to have her worry on my behalf, but I'm alive and kickin' and now I'm done all the challenges, too!
I guess I will be more consistent in my attendance to class now that I know I'm expected to be posting daily. I've already learned some cool stuff - like the tinting on the train above. Looking forward to tomorrow's class. With bells on.
Friday, July 3, 2009
what makes an artist, an artist?
All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.::: Eckhart Tolle :::
Okay, this is something I am struggling with, so maybe, those of you who read this blog, can help me out here. What makes an artist, an artist? Where is the line drawn that says someone's splatterings of paint is just a bunch of splatterings of paint, while another's is "fine art"?
I post my version of art for sale on etsy, and I see a lot of other artists there as well. But some I see I wonder about - what makes their 8x8 painting worth $400, while I charge $25 - $45? Is it accreditation? Or just a gutsy move? Does what I put on canvas not hold as much value as others simply because of their value of themselves, or is it their knowledge of the marketplace and my naivety?
I thouroughly enjoy the process of painting, but not the process of valuing and putting my work 'out there'. I am thrilled when someone likes something I've done, and slightly puzzled when they don't. And that takes me right back to where I started - what makes an artist, an artist?

I post my version of art for sale on etsy, and I see a lot of other artists there as well. But some I see I wonder about - what makes their 8x8 painting worth $400, while I charge $25 - $45? Is it accreditation? Or just a gutsy move? Does what I put on canvas not hold as much value as others simply because of their value of themselves, or is it their knowledge of the marketplace and my naivety?
I thouroughly enjoy the process of painting, but not the process of valuing and putting my work 'out there'. I am thrilled when someone likes something I've done, and slightly puzzled when they don't. And that takes me right back to where I started - what makes an artist, an artist?
Monday, June 29, 2009
the evolution of every day
This is the process of painting I went through to complete my piece titled "every day". enjoy! (oh, and it's set to Moby's Guitar and Flute.)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
the most interesting man in the world
"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." ~Mark Twain, "Old Times on the Mississippi" Atlantic Monthly, 1874

okay, maybe today is the last day of the challenges at Jessica Sprague's site... I thought it was yesterday. I'm obviously out of the loop. I love the Dois Equis ads (he is the most interesting man in the world) and was glad to be able to use this photo of my Dad - it's my absolute favourite of him.
Friday, June 26, 2009
almost done
There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. Nelson Mandela
I'm having such fun with these challenges from Jessica Sprague! I think today is the last day. I'm gonna miss the fun of waking up to a new thing to do (that isn't housework, yardwork, or accounting work) that I didn't have to come up with!
BTW - this layout was featured on Jessica's blog's front page today (June 27)! Woot!

I'm having such fun with these challenges from Jessica Sprague! I think today is the last day. I'm gonna miss the fun of waking up to a new thing to do (that isn't housework, yardwork, or accounting work) that I didn't have to come up with!
BTW - this layout was featured on Jessica's blog's front page today (June 27)! Woot!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
movie poster challenge

~Clara Ortega
This was the 3rd day of challenges at Jessica Sprague's site for her 2nd birthday for her website. I've posted in the gallery of her site, and am enjoying the love people are leaving for me. I actually impressed myself with this one. LOL
BTW - this layout was featured on Jessica's blog's front page today (June 25)! Woot!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
rig a jig
"Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend." Zenna Schaffer
http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=275 My Dad's essay entry to win a fishing trip. If you could vote for him, that would be great! Thanks!
http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=275 My Dad's essay entry to win a fishing trip. If you could vote for him, that would be great! Thanks!
So, I've scanned in some images for Dad to use with selling his Rig-a-Jig contraption for ice fishing. Not the right time of year for ice fishing, but I guess really it's the right time of year to be getting ready to sell things for ice fishing. A peculiar sport. Getting all suited up to go and sit on a frozen lake with a little line down a hole in the water. hmmm. Give me hot chocolate and a warm fire and a good book instead, thank you. But he likes it, so I've helped him out with it.
If you ice fish (or someone you know does) check out his Rig-a-Jig at http://albertaenvironmentalconsulting.com/Other-Services.html
Friday, June 12, 2009
digi love
"Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution." Ansel Adams

I love love love taking photographs. And I like it even better when what I've taken turns out to be a good shot. Sometimes, they need a little digital assistance, which is why I think anyone who reads this, if they take digital photos, should look at Jessica Sprague's site and think about taking her free digital photo editing class. Just click on the photo above to find out more.
I've taken a couple classes from her site, and I've found none better. I didn't take her class when I went to Creating Keepsakes University in 2007 and I really wish I would have. If I ever go again, I will. Until then, I haunt her website and try to come up with good reasons to spend money on her classes. With this free class, I don't need to convince my inner spend-thrift!
Registration starts June 22, and the class starts on July 6th. Hope you can make time for it!
I've taken a couple classes from her site, and I've found none better. I didn't take her class when I went to Creating Keepsakes University in 2007 and I really wish I would have. If I ever go again, I will. Until then, I haunt her website and try to come up with good reasons to spend money on her classes. With this free class, I don't need to convince my inner spend-thrift!
Registration starts June 22, and the class starts on July 6th. Hope you can make time for it!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
enjoying wasting time
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Bertrand Russell
I gotta be honest - I could do this all day. I love the name of my 'new band'! (see below for instructions on how to make your CD Album Jacket)

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random”or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Angel Policy
"The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly." ~G.K. Chesterton

Just had an interesting chat on Etsy with some sellers in the Alberta Street Team. I mentioned the Angel Policy idea and there is definately some mixed feelings about it. I thought I would post what I've compiled - by no means a complete listing, but at least it's a start! Feel free to print this off.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Things your dog should not eat
"My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet." ~Edith Wharton
I saw a great poster the other day at the vet's all about what your dog should NOT eat. But I can't find one online. So I poked around and compiled my own. Nothing was copyrighted, so feel free to copy the 3 pages and keep them around for your reference. I'm always arguing with my brother in law about what Maggie Mae (shown above) should and should NOT eat. His favourite line is "well it probably won't kill her." That's just not the risk I'm willing to take. Plus, even if it 'only' makes her vomit and poo everywhere, do I really want to deal with that? Noooooo....
If you would like the pdf copy of this listing, please let me know and I'll forward it to you.
If you would like the pdf copy of this listing, please let me know and I'll forward it to you.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
for Janice...
I hope this will show the difference. I scanned in a part of a recent painting to show you the difference in scan quality. Perhaps the web will negate the difference and I'll have to bring the files on a stick... We'll see!
The second picture is the larger file size and larger dimension and will print out a higher quality larger print. However, the first is a great space saver on your External Drive, and will be fine for most things you are planning to do with your photos.
4x6, 300 dpi, dimension of 1200 x 1800, file size 1.5MB, print out at 4x6
I hope this will show the difference. I scanned in a part of a recent painting to show you the difference in scan quality. Perhaps the web will negate the difference and I'll have to bring the files on a stick... We'll see!
The second picture is the larger file size and larger dimension and will print out a higher quality larger print. However, the first is a great space saver on your External Drive, and will be fine for most things you are planning to do with your photos.

Monday, May 25, 2009
Hello Birdie!
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." ~Maya Angelou

I had so much fun making these little gift cards! There is a mango coloured set as well. The little bird is from Hero Arts - Hello Birdie stamp set, and the ribbon is a Target special. My sister is always buying small packs of cards and ribbon for me to use (since I don't live in the US and therefore am precluded from the fabulousness of Target). The cards she bought for me last time had an embossed V and an embossed D on them. Not so useful unless your name is Deloris or Vivienne. Until I cut them down and made these little gift cards. Now they are uber useful. I just posted them on etsy this morning. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get around to posting the tags I made out of the leftover... oooh how much fun!

Friday, May 8, 2009
"Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts."
I did this little canvas up for my Mum for Mother's Day (shhh, don't tell her yet - we're heading up to RD tomorrow, so she'll get it on Sunday). It was a lot of fun to make too! I have the Silhouette die cutting machine, and this text block is one of the designs. I didn't realize it until I had cut it out, but after cutting it out on the machine, I would have to reposition everything back into the square block. hmmmm.... I had a few spacing issues, but I think it looks pretty good. I sealed it all with Mod Podge, and then a satin sealant. It made it all crackley, which was quite neat, so I did it again, and swept some excess butterscotch die over it as well, just to seep into the cracks. I found ribbon in my 'I will never use this' pile (what do I know, eh?) and it matched perfectly! I glued it to the sides and left a generous amount to tie a lovely bow at the top. Presto! Graphic Art for the Office. Hope she likes it. I posted the photos on my etsy site too, and maybe someone else will want to have one for their office (or home).
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”

I just posted this little guy (he's 2" by 2" by 1/2") on my Etsy site. I'm a little anxious posting the new art I've been doing, since I'm not a 'trained' artist. I feel a little fake on the credentials side (since I have none!). But I love the acrylics I have - I've not used oils or watercolours and I'm not sure if I ever will. Acrylics are so much fun! And there is the added bonus of being able to have alcohol inks react with the wet paint, and the dyes that soak into the paint, and then the choice of sealant.
One sealant actually reacts with the dye I've put on some paintings - a neat effect in itself. I wonder if it's a toxic reaction... hmmm... Hope not. The sealant is non-toxic and the paint says it is... so I wonder what's reacting.
Anyway, this little tree was fun to do. I started with hot pink, believe it or not. I added dibs and dabs of paint and then a good spray of butterscotch dye, and try as I may, I could not prevent the dye from coming up through subsequent layers of paint. Finally, I mixed up some matte gel medium with a little water and slathered that on. Presto! The bleeding stopped. I added the slight blue to the sky and considered the piece fiddled with enough.
I took it to show someone, and it ended up in my purse for the better part of two months. Found it again, and decided to post it for sale on Etsy. I'm just guessing it will get better exposure there than in my purse! haha
I just posted this little guy (he's 2" by 2" by 1/2") on my Etsy site. I'm a little anxious posting the new art I've been doing, since I'm not a 'trained' artist. I feel a little fake on the credentials side (since I have none!). But I love the acrylics I have - I've not used oils or watercolours and I'm not sure if I ever will. Acrylics are so much fun! And there is the added bonus of being able to have alcohol inks react with the wet paint, and the dyes that soak into the paint, and then the choice of sealant.
One sealant actually reacts with the dye I've put on some paintings - a neat effect in itself. I wonder if it's a toxic reaction... hmmm... Hope not. The sealant is non-toxic and the paint says it is... so I wonder what's reacting.
Anyway, this little tree was fun to do. I started with hot pink, believe it or not. I added dibs and dabs of paint and then a good spray of butterscotch dye, and try as I may, I could not prevent the dye from coming up through subsequent layers of paint. Finally, I mixed up some matte gel medium with a little water and slathered that on. Presto! The bleeding stopped. I added the slight blue to the sky and considered the piece fiddled with enough.
I took it to show someone, and it ended up in my purse for the better part of two months. Found it again, and decided to post it for sale on Etsy. I'm just guessing it will get better exposure there than in my purse! haha
Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Madness Sale from the Alberta Street Team --- May 1 - 7, 2009
Participating Shoppes....
http://kennedyink.etsy.com/ - Art Marble Tile Coasters on sale, plus free shipping for 3 or more items
http://asecondtime.etsy.com/ - 10% off plus free shipping to US and Canada
http://barefoottams.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://bellissimadesigns.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://bodydelights.etsy.com/ - BOGO on everything
http://bouncingoffthewalls.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://charliebaby.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://cindylouwho2.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://craftedbylindy.etsy.com/ - 10% off everything plus free matching gift tags
http://dearange.etsy.com/ - 20% off all jewellery
http://frogprincessdesigns.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://glasscircus.etsy.com/ - 20% off all glass
http://hdawnparratt.etsy.com/ - 10% off everything and a free gift tag
http://impedimenta.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://jsanderso.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://jewelledtrellis.etsy.com/ - Pendant sale plus free shipping
http://jewelrybyirene.etsy.com/ - 20% off any jewellery item
http://leannedesigns.etsy.com/ - visit the “May Sale” section in my shop
http://liliesbylisa.etsy.com/ - 20% off all custom orders
http://littlejumpingbeans.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://loopdiloops.etsy.com/ - 15% off custom orders
http://lorijaclynsjewels.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://maceme.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://mailled.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://metalmind.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://my3littlemonkeys.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://misticalacscents.etsy.com/ - 10% off and free shipping on 3 or more items
http://mygrandpaspen.etsy.com/ - 25% of everything
http://nanabrowns.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://offthehooks.etsy.com/ - Free Shipping to US and Canada
http://paint1chris.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://rozzie.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://splurge.etsy.com/ - free pair of earrings with every order
http://stampnstuff.etsy.com/ - free shipping US and Canada – International orders free shipping on 3 or more cards
http://tiabossiqai.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything plus free shipping
http://twostraycats.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything plus free shipping everywhere
http://wildrosejewels.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://barefoottams.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://bellissimadesigns.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://bodydelights.etsy.com/ - BOGO on everything
http://bouncingoffthewalls.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://charliebaby.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://cindylouwho2.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://craftedbylindy.etsy.com/ - 10% off everything plus free matching gift tags
http://dearange.etsy.com/ - 20% off all jewellery
http://frogprincessdesigns.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://glasscircus.etsy.com/ - 20% off all glass
http://hdawnparratt.etsy.com/ - 10% off everything and a free gift tag
http://impedimenta.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://jsanderso.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://jewelledtrellis.etsy.com/ - Pendant sale plus free shipping
http://jewelrybyirene.etsy.com/ - 20% off any jewellery item
http://leannedesigns.etsy.com/ - visit the “May Sale” section in my shop
http://liliesbylisa.etsy.com/ - 20% off all custom orders
http://littlejumpingbeans.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://loopdiloops.etsy.com/ - 15% off custom orders
http://lorijaclynsjewels.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://maceme.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://mailled.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://metalmind.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://my3littlemonkeys.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://misticalacscents.etsy.com/ - 10% off and free shipping on 3 or more items
http://mygrandpaspen.etsy.com/ - 25% of everything
http://nanabrowns.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything
http://offthehooks.etsy.com/ - Free Shipping to US and Canada
http://paint1chris.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://rozzie.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
http://splurge.etsy.com/ - free pair of earrings with every order
http://stampnstuff.etsy.com/ - free shipping US and Canada – International orders free shipping on 3 or more cards
http://tiabossiqai.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything plus free shipping
http://twostraycats.etsy.com/ - 20% off everything plus free shipping everywhere
http://wildrosejewels.etsy.com/ - 15% off everything
Saturday, April 18, 2009
"love grows love" Casey Haymes

I'm supposed to be working. I'm supposed to be finishing up an album. I'm supposed to be assembling a small greenhouse to start some seeds in. I'm supposed to be doing the laundry.
hmmm... but playing around with paintings in a digital format is waaaay more fun.
How this came to be: I watch a lot of HGTV. On one show (don't know which one) there was a large painting that was mainly white, with a large heart etched into the paint. I'm not the biggest fan of heart shapes - it's really overdone and generally kinda cutesy. But this one struck a chord. So I tried it out. I'm off centered and lopsided, and I added too much blue to the original painting. I added the quote to the side in vellum (with Mod Podge, what else?) and considered it done.
And then I started playing around with it in Digital Image Pro 10 (damn Microsoft for discontinuing production of this!) with all the filters and hues and saturation changes... and presto! Here's a new piece of art. The hues were changed in the Shadows, Midtones, and Hightlights, favouring the red and blue spectrum. I upped the Saturation to the max, and then took it into the Filters - this one is Marker Outline. Just too much fun!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
green hand
"To receive everything, one must open one's hands and give." Taisen Deshimaru
This is typical. Or at least, typically me. I am supposed to be working on updating Quickbooks and I can't help but get green dye all over my hands. I bet it will take at least a day to get rid of it. I hope the clients I'm visiting with tomorrow don't mind!
I've managed to get a few more paintings done, but have as of yet to post them on Etsy. I'm a little afraid, I guess, of being taken seriously or of being called a hack since I don't have formal training with painting. I just do what I like and what feels good on the canvas. My brother in law was asking how the venture was going and I had to evaluate where I'm at with all these paintings - I'm trepeditious about sending them out into the world. So for now, they're piling up on my Grandfather's curio cabinet, waiting for their chance to shine.
I've managed to get a few more paintings done, but have as of yet to post them on Etsy. I'm a little afraid, I guess, of being taken seriously or of being called a hack since I don't have formal training with painting. I just do what I like and what feels good on the canvas. My brother in law was asking how the venture was going and I had to evaluate where I'm at with all these paintings - I'm trepeditious about sending them out into the world. So for now, they're piling up on my Grandfather's curio cabinet, waiting for their chance to shine.
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